last update 31st March 2003

Humour - Hasya 

Atheist teacher and atheist and scientist jokes:
Jokes - Hasya - Humour - Devotionally Related Krishna Conscious Funnies.....
Life is Short - Download short video clip: - a smorgasborg of humourous things (pretty safe)
Bad Day - sample of Bad karmas in action - and the address of the Bad Day egroups site
BeliefNet - Religious Humour pages and links:
Funny Picture Gallery:
Colour Test:
Daily Chukle - Family Orientated Jokes:
Increased Carpal Syndrome:
Experience What its like to live in California:
Find Funnies in the newsletters:
Hillariously Funny Devotee Made Karmatoons:
Humor Promotes Healing:
Healing through Humour - great links:
Jive Talking - translating into Jive:
Kid Cartoons:
Kurma the Frog - Devotee ventriloquist:
Life is Short - Download or View short video clip:
Practical jokes:
Revolutionary New Soul Up-lifting Software:
Stress Management:
Virtual Karma
Virus software - if you dare:
Follow this to THE END:

If you know any good sites that are humourous, or good jokes for that matter send them

Please notify me if there are any links that are not working properly, thank you