Bala Gopal dasa - DAS - Wellington, NZ
last updated  3rd July 2015

Sri Govinda - transcendental darshan

Sri Govinda

Sri Govinda

Sri Govinda

25th April 2013


12th April 2011

Between now and Balaram purnima I've been continuously worshipping 'Sri Govinda'...Gurudeva named him kindly....i have been blessed by your guidance through the Shaligram worship manual and all is going well thus far.  Thank you very much. Recently we have a new brahmacari from Aussie who is a Shalagram photographer lover Mucukunda das... He and Khela Tirtha have taken many photos of Lord Madhava and Khela Tirtha will send them through soon.  I stole the camera and tried to take few shots of Lord Govinda.


Transcendental Darshans

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